Just recently, two artists -- Bimam Chhetri and Suman Budha – cashing in on the popularity of "Poila Jana Pam" have released a song titled "Maile Lyauna Pam" incorporated on the album of the same name, 'Maile Lyauna Pam'. The irony of it all is that 'Maile Lyauna Pam' is doing much better in the market.
All said and done, Music Nepal is now all geared up to file a case against Bimam Chhetri and Suman Budha. Komal states, "I have no grievance against Bimam and Suman. Their song is very entertaining but Music Nepal, from whom I had released 'Poila Jana Pam' are planning to register a complaint against them in court after some homework. They say that Bimam and Suman have copied the tunes of one of my songs titled "Tulsipurma Ma Janda" on this particular song' Maile Lyauna Pam', which is on my previous album 'Mal Mal Kiri' and which was also released by Music Nepal."
Though Komal is not making an issue out of the latest development, she has some grand ideas cooking up in her mind. She shares, "Soon, I will be releasing an album which would be a counter attack to "Maile Lyauna Pam". I am doing so not because I am angry but I believe that this would be rather interesting and entertaining. The song shall be called "K Ho Timro Naam, K Cha Timro Kaam, Palna Sakchau Sakdainau Kati Kamauchau Daam". The flavor of this track will be very jhaurey and will soon hit the music stands."
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