A few weeks back, Sudip along with Nalina Chitrakar, Pramod Nirwan, Ram Chandra Kafle and Poozana Pradhan were touring Dhangadi, Mahendranagar and Tikapur for a concert. Now, although the tour is over Sudip still can't stop talking about this trip. He states, "This is the worst event that I have ever been associated with. Sorry to say but the management was pathetic and very indecent. Let me also reveal the organizer's name! He is called Topendra Kunwar. When the event ended, he did not pay us the amount that we had initially agreed upon. You know what he did! During the entire journey, he was the one who was driving which was fine with us but he was driving so recklessly that he nearly killed us. I am not exaggerating…believe me…he nearly killed us! Thank God! Nothing happened! The only good thing that happened during that entire tour was that the concert was a huge success and I am happy about it." Further adding he shares, "I don't know but I was not able to connect with the people there. This has never happened to me before! "
In another related story, he has changed his mobile number. Why? (No prizes for guessing it right) It is because of the disturbing calls that he has been getting from some crazy fans telling him that they would commit suicide or inflict some sort of injury to themselves. We are short of words of advise for Sudip…the only thing that we can say is…you have a peaceful life…This may be the price that one has to pay for being one of the most sought after musicians in the country today.
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